张霞 研究员


2002/09 - 2006/03,中国科学院遥感应用研究所,地图学与地理信息系 统,博士,导师:童庆禧 1995/09 - 1998/06,北京师范大学,遥感与地理信息系统,硕士,导师: 朱启疆 1991/09 - 1995/06,南京气象学院,农业气象,学士,导师:冯定原

2013/04 - 至今,中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所,高光谱遥感研究室, 研究员 2012/09-2013/04,中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所,高光谱遥感研究 室,副研究员 2005/07 - 2012/09,中国科学院遥感应用研究所,高光谱遥感研究室,副研 2001/07 - 2005/07,中国科学院遥感应用研究所,高光谱遥感研究室,助 理研究员 1998/07-2001/01,中国科学院遥感应用研究所,高光谱遥感研究室,研实



  1. Xia Zhang*, Kun Shang, Yi Cen et al. Estimating ecological indicators of karst rocky desertification bylinear spectral unmixing method. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2014, 31: 86-94.
  2. Tong Shuai, Xia Zhang*, Shudong Wang, et al. A Spectral Angle Distance-Weighting Reconstruction Method for Filled Pixels of the MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2014,11(9): 1514-1518.
  3. Zhang Xia, Sun Rui, Zhang Bing, Tong Qingxi, 2008.Land cover classification of the North China Plain using MODIS EVI time series, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 63: 476- 484.
  4. Tong Shuai, Xia Zhang*, Lifu Zhang, Jinnian Wang. Mapping global lunar abundance of plagioclase, clinopyroxene and olivine with Interference Imaging Spectrometer hyperspectral data considering space weathering effect. ICARUS, 2013, 222(1): 401–410.
  5. 张霞, 帅通, 赵冬等. 干涉成像光谱仪高光谱数据信息质量评估. 红外与 毫米波学报, 2012, 31(2): 143-147.
  6. 张霞,张兵,胡方超,童庆禧。航天成像光谱仪CHRIS辐射与光谱性能评 价。中国科学E辑,技术科学,2006, 36(增刊):85-93.
  7. Wu Yunzhao, Zhang Xia, Liao Qilin, Ji Junfeng. Can Contaminant Elements in Soils Be Assessed by Remote Sensing Technology: A Case Study With Simulated Data, Soil Science, 2011, 176(4): 196-205.
  8. WU YunZhao, ZHANG Xia, YAN BoKun, et al. Global absorption center map of the mafic minerals on the Moon as viewed by CE-1 IIM data. China SCIENCE, 12: 2160–2171.
  9. Xiaoping Chen, Lifu Zhang, Xia Zhang, Bo Liu, 2013. Comparison of the sensor dependence of vegetation indices based on Hyperion and CHRIS hyperspectral data. International journal of Remote sensing, 34(6): 2200-2215.
  10. Bo LIU, Lifu ZHANG,Xia ZHANG, Bing ZHANG, Qingxi TONG. Simulation of EO-1 Hyperion Data from ALI Multispectral Data Based on the Spectral Reconstruction Approach, Sensors, 2009, 9: 3090- 3108.
  11. Gao, L.R., Zhang, B., Zhang, X., Zhang, W.J., Tong, Q.X. A New Operational Method for Estimating Noise in Hyperspectral Images. IEEE.Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2008, 5(1): 83-87.
  12. 张文娟,张兵,张霞,高连如,张维。干涉成像光谱仪切趾函数对复原 光谱的影响分析 红外与毫米波学报, 2008, 27(3): 227-232.
  13. 高连如,张兵,张霞,李俊生。2006。 油漆涂层对板材红外光谱特性影 响分析。红外与毫米波学报,2006,25(6):411-416.
  14. 胡兴堂,张兵,张霞,郑兰芬,童庆禧。基于小波变换的海量高光谱遥 感数据分形编码压缩算法研究。中国科学E辑 技术科学,2006, 36(增 刊):45-53.
  15. 耿修瑞,张霞,陈正超等,一种基于空间连续性的高光谱图像分类方 法。红外与毫米波学报,2004,23(4):299-302。
  16. 张霞,张兵,郑兰芬等,航空热红外多光谱数据的地物发射率谱信息提 取模型及其应用研究,红外与毫米波学报,2000,19(5):361-365。


  2. Shudong Wang, Lifu Zhang, Xia Zhang*, et al. Coupling remote sensing data and ecohydrological model to evaluate Non-point source pollution risk for water resource management. World Journal of Engineering, 2014,11(2): 157-162.
  3. Kun Shang, Xia Zhang, Lifu Zhang, Yisong Xie. Evaluation of hyperspectral classification methods based on FISS data. Proc. of SPIE Pro., 2011,Vol. 8002: 80020L1-8.
  4. Tong Shuai, Xia Zhang, Dong Zhao. SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO ASSESSMENT OF CE-1 IIM DATA. IGARSS Proc., p.1029-1032, Vancouver, 2011.
  5. Ling Ding, Xia Zhang, Min Ji, et al. Spectral Indices for Estimating The Fractional Cover of Non-Vegetation Land-Cover Types in Karst Environment, International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, 2011, vol.3, pp.2499- 2502.
  6. Xia Zhang*, Jianting Wen, Dong Zhao. Band Selection Method for retrieving Soil Lead Content with Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data. 2010, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7831, 78311K-1~78311K-7.
  7. Xia ZHANG, Changping HUANG, Bo LIU, Qingxi TONG. Inversion of Soil Cu Concentration Based on Band Selection of Hyperspetral Data. 2010 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, July 25-30, 2010, Hawaii,USA. IGARSS 2010: 3680-3683.
  8. 张霞,帅通,杨杭,黄长平,2010. 基于MODIS EVI图像时间序列的冬小 麦面积提取. 农业工程学报,26(增刊1):220-224.
  9. 张霞,焦全军,张兵,陈正超。利用MODIS_EVI 图像时间序列提取作物种 植模式初探,农业工程学报,2008,24(5):161-165.
  10. Xia ZHANG, Changping HUANG, Bo LIU, Qingxi TONG. Inversion of soil cu concentration based on band selection of hyperspetral data. 2010 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, July 25-30, 2010, Hawaii,USA. IGARSS 2010: 3680-3683.
  11. Xia Zhang, Quanjun Jiao, Di Wu, et al., Estimating foliar water content of winter wheat with hyperspectral image. Proceedings of SPIE, 2007, Vol. 6787: 678718-1~678718-8.
  12. Xia Zhang, Bing Zhang, Xiurui, Geng, et al., Automatic Flat Field Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Calibration, Proceedings of SPIE, 2003,Vol. 5286, P. 636-639.
  13. Xia Zhang, Bing Zhang, Liangyun Liu, Jihua Wang, Estimating foliar nitrogen concentration with hyperspectral remote sensing image, Proc. SPIE 2003, Vol. 4897: Multispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Instruments and Applications, p. 187-193.
  14. Tong Qingxi, Zhang Xia, Zhang Bing, Wang Jihua, Crop growth monitoring study by using multi-temporal index image cube analysis, 2002 international conference on communications circus and systems and west sino expositions proceedings, IEEE press, 2002, p1596-1601.


  1. 杨苏新,张霞,帅通,等. 基于混合像元分解的喀斯特石漠化地物丰度估测. 遥感技术与应用,2014,29(5):823-832.
  2. 庄智,张霞, 张旭凯,兰穹穹. 基于卫星测高数据自身的潮汐校正及区域海平面变化分析,地理与地理信息科学 ,2014,30(4):27-31.
  3. 张霞,庄智,张旭凯. 秦皇岛市海岸线遥感提取及变化监测[J]. 遥感技术与应用,2014, 29(4): 625-630.
  4. 朱海涛,张霞,王树东,王晋年,孙艳丽. 基于面向对象决策树算法的半干旱地区遥感影像分类. 遥感信息, 2013, 28(4): 50-56.
  5. 张旭凯, 张霞, 杨邦会, 庄智,尚坤. 结合海岸类型和潮位校正的海岸线遥感提取. 国土资源遥感, 2013, 25(4): 91-97.
  6. 张霞,张旭凯,帅通. 北京一号小卫星NDVI时间序列重建方法研究. 遥感信息, 2012,1:68-72.
  7. 张明,张霞,赵冬,等. 一种用于线性光谱解混算法验证的模拟数据生成方法, 遥感技术与应用,2012, 27(5): 680-685.
  8. 帅通,张霞,张明,等. 利用嫦娥一号IIM模拟数据提取月表矿物端元的精度分析. 遥感学报,2012, 16(6):1213-1221.
  9. 杨杭,张霞,帅通,童庆禧. OMIS-II图像大气校正之FLAASH与经验线性法比较, 测绘通报,2010, 8:4-6。
  10. 杨杭,张霞,和海霞,张立福,童庆禧. OMIS-II机载高光谱遥感图像边缘辐射畸变校正方法优选,国土资源遥感,2010,2:17-21.
  11. 张霞, 李儒, 岳跃民等。谐波改进的植被指数时间序列重建算法. 遥感 学报,2010,14(3):442-453.
  12. 张霞,帅通,杨杭,黄长平,2010. 基于MODIS EVI图像时间序列的冬小麦面积提取. 农业工程学报,26(增刊1):220-224.
  13. 李儒,张霞,刘波等, 2009. 遥感时间序列数据滤波重建算法发展综述,遥感学报,13(2): 335-341.
  14. 张霞,张兵,卫征,陈正超,郑兰芬,2005。MODIS光谱指数监测小麦长势变化研究。中国图象图形学报,10(4):420-424。
  15. 张霞,刘良云, 赵春江, 张兵,利用高光谱遥感图像估算小麦氮含量研究,遥感学报,2003, 7(3): 176-181。
  16. 张霞,张兵,赵永超,童庆禧,郑兰芬,中巴地球资源一号卫星多光谱扫描仪图像质量评价,中国图象图形学报,2002,7(6).:581-586
  17. 张霞,朱启疆,闵祥军,陆面温度反演算法—劈窗算法的敏感度分析,遥感学报,2000,4(1): 8-13。
  18. 张霞,朱启疆,闵祥军,反演陆面温度的分裂窗口算法与应用分析,中国图象与图形学报,1999,4(7):595-599.

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